viernes, 19 de octubre de 2007

ShAmPaUbOb ......

today we start with a new proyect in group of three iam with...

Alexandra De Amesti

Thais Elsaca

we need to ma;e our own product, ours is like a shampoo that when you wash you head you apear with sponge hair like an a style of BOB MARLEY its great!!!!

the part i like most was when i need to desinng my own shape *envase* it wass greatt i like very much

this is a picture of a pinguin tux its like bob marley

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2007

.:. Speciall Classs .:.

Todayyy we finish our special class.
was very funny and we learned very much about this ocations like giving your pasword to you friends and things like that

MY partner was Felipe Bitran i think we work very good we dont desagree in nothing

and finally this is a picture of many smileyyys aree greatt !!!!!~!!!!!!

domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2007

::: Public Chat :::

Today we have a special class. this class was about what are some ocations that coluld happend durring the chating.
we get in pears and answer some questions about a special case that was given us. my pear was Felipe Bitran. then after all of us finish answering the questions we sit in circle and coment about our case and our answers then each group stand on front and presents us about there answers and we talk about the question. it was a very funny class but we also learned what was the corect answers .
i hope the next class we coment about this class.

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2007

P .r.E.s.E.n.T.a.T.i.O.n.... !!!

today we present our oral presentation about blogsss.

my pair was Daniela Lozano she is one of my best frieds she work so well i could not say nathing about her.

in this 2 periods of class we wached 3 presentation !!!

at the moment i have to preesent i was so nervess that i start reading so fast and then my class mates tell y to go slower and i get more confident i liket it so much !!!

Danileaa is a very good worker and a super parner for me !!!

this is a picture of the power puff girls yesss i loveee them !!!

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2007

*/* BloGGer...*/*

In this class we continiue with our proyects I think that the themes we choose *all of us* was not very interesting at the beginig but then investigatin about our themes we (daniela and me) we have a great timeee...

but the time they gave us was not enough on this holydays we are going to get in a hause to finish the proyect....

thats all my friends..... I live you with a big big smile woooow

sea you on next friday !!!!

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2007

.:. B l O g G s .:.

In this clase we strat with type to lerne 3 now iam in lesson 4 !!! woooooow
then we continiue with the bloggs proyect we need to serch for a lot of information and we use the blogg strat page to look for some insormation it was really good thats all my frien and i live you with a big big smile wooooooow see yo nex week !!!!

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2007

.:. Software for communication in the web .:.

Today we start the class on type to learn now iam in lesson 3. later the teacher explain us our new proyect about "Software for communication in the web" we make pair grups for working in it i choose to be with my friend Daniela Lozano. we also need to pick up a paper that said what theme we get. the theme we take out was BLOGGS. we hope to have a great time in this fabulous proyect.